Sunday, March 28, 2010

To Reflect on #6

Overwhelmed??? Yes, I do feel somewhat overwhelmed by all the resources that we have gone over. I feel like I am just stuck in certain areas but hopefully, I can go forward with the knowledge that I have learned and apply it to other research. I am glad that I know that there are soooooo many different resources available. I just don't have to rely on Google to help me find what I am looking for. The homework is kicking my butt. I just don't seem to be finding the answers that I need for certain questions and when I use print sources I come across so many sub-topics where it could be categorized. It stumps me! I will eventually overcome this hardship.

Google and me are BFFs! It is hard for me not to use it for everything, but I know it's flaws and I do try to use other reliable sources that have been listed. I use encyclopedias like WorldBook and almanacs like World Almanac and Book of Facts. I tend to use more print sources then online sources at the moment.


burford.lib3 fun said...

Your blog sounds like me. I am very glad I took this class and learn that google is not the only source of information. I would like to continue in the library classes for my own personal education. I am finding that with just the other classes this semester I am missing out on the full impact of what this class can do to help me in the future.

have a good holiday.

Anne's Library said...

It can be overwhelming at times to figure out where to look with so many options available, but I think it's great that you have a positive attitude and feel that you will eventually overcome this hardship. Good for you!!