Sunday, February 21, 2010

Project 1: The Observation

I went to the Central Pasadena Library for my observation. This library a public facility, but it has an academic atmosphere. You can find all different types of patrons that frequent this library. They will ask simple questions like if they have a specific book within the library or where can they find information on a specific subject.

This library is huge. In total there are 4 levels to this library. There is also a variety of different specific rooms that are within the library like the young adult section, the reference area (has two different rooms), and the children's area. The reference area spans to two different sections and in between the sections is the reference desk. One section holds reference materials from 001 to 600's and within this section is the law books and library reference materials. The other section spans from the 700's to the 900's. In each section there are computers that are for academic research and for word processing usage as well as using the databases and catalog.

Speaking to a librarian is easy. There is a line to see the reference librarians, but it’s always a fast and approachable line. Librarians are nice and informational. They go out of their way to answer questions. -- At the reference desk, they have copies of the libraries monthly newsletter. Also, at the reference desk are the subject headings and AACR2.

Using the computer at the library is easy; all that is needed is a library card. Although, the reference area it is not needed to have a library card to use the computers there. Also, there are three specific areas for computer usage. There is a computer lab for whatever you want and then there is one for research purposes as well as the one in the reference areas.

Using the catalog is easy. There is a basic search and then there is an advanced search. Within the catalog a person can access the electronic library that allows a person to download audio books and e-books to their computer. Also, within the library there are assortments of places to use the library catalog. There is one on each level plus several in the library stacks and a few in specific sections.

This library offers an assortment of different workshops like computer classes for adults. Also, there is storytime for preschool aged children once a week. This library also offers tutorials in using their law database, Westlaw.

One of the databases that I looked into was the Learning Express Library. This database is good. It is a database that allows you to take different practice tests. If you are studying to take the Avasb test then they have pretests to get you ready to take the physical one. There is also an assortment of civil service tests as well. Also, this database can be used at home as well. A person just needs to have their library card to access this database. Another database is OneFile InfroTrac. This database is a search engine that has information on specific subjects. Once a subject is searched it has subdivisions within to narrow the subject. It is a research tool that could come in handy.

I think that this is a good library. It has many academic research tools that I listed like the OneFile InfoTrac. Also, I do think that the reference services should be expanded because the section is small. The librarians don't really have a desk but a space. I think that this library does need to improve with library 2.0 like blogs. There is an online book club, but I think that the librarians are a little withdrawn from the public. If there was a blog then they would be more with the public.

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